The Benefits of Introducing Laser Facials into Your Life

by Shopify API on June 15, 2020
When it comes to beauty regimes, there is so much information on the market making it tricky to decide what direction to go in. We all know that cleansing and moisturizing can keep your skin in good condition and acne at bay however in today’s fast past world, the stress of work assignments, everyday life, general pollution and lack of sleep can start to take its toll on your skin (especially your face), leaving you pulling at strings to find a solution.


Step in laser facials – offering a medical yet not invasive skincare option, these facials have been clinically proven to help prevent signs of aging and also fight exposure to the elements. This type of treatment is also a great way to rejuvenate your skin, improve minor facial flaws, and restore a healthy, youthful complexion.


 For those of you who haven’t come across our services before, Skin Laundry is a clinic in Dubai Marina Plaza. We tap into advanced technology and utilize medical-grade lasers to rejuvenate your skin cells, boost collagen production, and improve clarity for transformative results. Our no-downtime laser facials are customized to best suit your personal skincare needs and are safe and effective for all skin types. 


 Born in Santa Monica, we designed our clinics to resemble a California beach bungalow, a vast departure from a derm office. Although the vibes are relaxed and friendly, the service is medical grade. Our team is led by a global team of renowned Dermatologists from Los Angeles, New York, Miami, London, and Dubai. The Dubai Medical Director Dr. Einas Bahjat Mousa is a leading expert in laser treatments and operates under the highest standards. All of the treatments are administered by DHA Laser Licensed nurses/technicians, following the strictest guidelines, and trained to provide you the best and most effective treatment plans.


 Our signature laser facial is our best seller and clean deeps into the pores brightens skin and improves your skin's texture for under 800 AED. Taking only 15 minutes (which is perfect if you’re in a hurry!) the treatment utilizes our Nd:YAG laser to both correct and prevent. It uses the safest energy-based technology to help boost collagen production, improve and blend skin discoloration, minimize the appearance of pores, and tighten skin at the deepest level. This treatment is safe on all skin tones and there is absolutely no downtime.


Meanwhile, our Fractional Laser facial utilizes a resurfacing laser that combats the surface and outer layer of the skin. This gently removes damaged skin and minimizes the appearance of unwanted discoloration, acne scarring, fine lines and wrinkles and help improve overall skin tone and texture. Different from other resurfacing lasers, this treatment produces microchannels on the top layer of the skin allowing 90% of our customized medical-grade serums to be absorbed.

 Looking for something a little tougher? Our strongest, most effective laser facial is the elite laser treatment, combining both the YAG laser and fractional resurfacing laser at an increased intensity followed by a replenishing, hydrating Skin Laundry mask of your choice which delivers hyaluronic acid, antioxidants and peptides to fight aging and provide lasting hydration. This combined treatment deep cleans whilst reducing pigmentation and appearance of fine lines and wrinkles for healthier, younger-looking skin.


 Here are some of the main reasons why laser facials are the best facials for you and your skin!


  1. They reduce fine lines and wrinkles.

Nearly all of us have been a victim to lines around the mouth and eyes – laser treatment is a great way to help with this! By softening these tell-tale signs of aging, you'll not only look younger, but your skin will look healthier and smoother.


  1. Treat brown spots, redness, or discoloration.

Spots and discoloration may be due to sun exposure, aging, or problems with skin pigmentation. By eliminating brown spots and correcting skin pigmentation, you'll have a more even, balanced skin tone.


  1. Tightens skin and encourages collagen production.

As we all know, age comes with the gradual loss of skin elasticity. Laser facials encourage the production of new collagen leading to a firmer, more youthful you!


  1. Improves areas of scarring.

All scars but especially acne scars are frustrating to deal with and cover up. While the results will vary from person to person, laser facials are a great option for minimizing scars and reducing their visibility.


  1. Reduces the appearance of prominent blood vessels.

Are you a sufferer of spider veins? Good news - these can often be removed in one or two sessions of laser facial therapy.


  1. Reduces the size of enlarged pores.

As you know, large pores make your skin uneven and bumpy and cause even the most confident to feel self-conscious. It has been proven that laser-based facials can help reduce the size of enlarged pores making your skin appear smooth.


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